“I believe strongly that we should do all we can as a society to protect the sanctity of life, which unquestionably begins at conception.”
As a Christian and father of four, I know that there is no gift more precious than a child’s life. That is why I am an outspoken advocate for protecting the rights of the unborn in Louisiana and across the nation.
No hardworking American should ever worry that their tax dollars may be used to fund organizations that rob us of God’s greatest gift.
As your Representative in Congress, I will defend the strongly held moral beliefs of my constituents. Life is not a policy issue; life is a fundamental and unalienable right. Louisiana has been a champion of life for decades, and I will continue to be an ally in that fight.
In the U.S. House of Representatives, my voting record clearly reflects my lifelong pro-life conviction. During my service in Congress, I have cosponsored and voted for legislation to prohibit federal funding for abortions, defund Planned Parenthood, provide medical care to born-alive abortion survivors, and restrict late-term abortions.
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