We worked closely with President Trump to pass historic tax cuts and simplify the tax code for individuals and businesses. Those efforts generated new jobs, economic growth, and opportunities for all Americans.

During the 115th Congress, I voted for and helped pass generational tax reform through the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. The legislation greatly simplified the tax code and lowered rates across the board. Those changes helped drive economic growth and increase household income for American families. However, the incoming administration has threatened to raise taxes on individuals and businesses alike. Doing so would be detrimental to economic recovery efforts. As your Congressman, I will continue to support lower taxes and push back against any effort to raise taxes on hardworking American families.

More on Taxes

The Real Impact of Tax Reform

The Real Impact of Tax Reform

"Mr. Speaker, over the course of the past 500 days, this Congress has worked with President Trump to pass historic tax cuts and regulatory reform. As a result, this is the strongest economy we have...

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