May 22, 2023 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) issued the following statement on the debt ceiling negotiations.


“America will honor its debt obligations. However, we must pass meaningful fiscal reforms,” said Congressman Clay Higgins. “Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives have performed. We passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act, which would enact necessary reductions in federal spending and help grow our economy. For weeks, Biden and his Democrat colleagues have refused to engage in legitimate negotiations, leading the United States to the brink of a default. It is time for the White House and Democrats in the Senate to come to the table with their proposal.”


In March, Congressman Higgins and other core members of the House Freedom Caucus demanded significant fiscal reforms before considering a vote on debt obligations. These reforms included spending reductions totaling hundreds of billions of dollars. Many of these budget measures were included in the Limit, Save, Grow Act, which the House passed on April 26, 2023. These measures included:

  • Rescinding unobligated, unspent COVID-19 funds
  • Recouping the $80B in IRS expansion and canceling the hiring of 87,000 new IRS agents
  • Rescinding billions of wasteful woke Green New Deal spending
  • Curtailing burdensome regulations by requiring congressional approval under the REINS Act


Read the House Freedom Caucus proposal here.

Read the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023here.

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