Apr 13, 2023 | Immigration, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) reintroduced the CBP Workload Staffing Model Act, which would require CBP to develop a comprehensive staffing model to address their hiring and retention challenges. 


This CBP Workload Staffing Model Act:

  • Directs the CBP commissioner to develop a workload staffing model for Border Patrol, Air & Marine Operations.
  • Ensures the CBP commissioner implements the workload staffing models for Border Patrol, Air & Marine Operations, and Office of Field Operations.
  • Includes the development and prioritization of standard operating procedures for a workforce tracking system for Border Patrol, Air & Marine Operations, and Office of Field Operations.

Read the legislation here.


“Our Customs and Border Protection agents are still working overtime to combat the record-high illegal crossings at our southern border,”said Congressman Higgins. “The crisis that Biden and Mayorkas have created is an unmitigated disaster. Now more than ever, we need to ensure that our border and ports of entry are fully staffed with qualified personnel who can keep our nation safe.”

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