WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) voted against H.R. 4521, a Democrat bill that injures America’s economic competitiveness and fails to hold China accountable.

The bill is nearly 3,000 pages and carries a $325 billion cost. The bill:

  • Fails to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for its use of child and slave labor as well as other human rights abuses;
  • Allows China to continue stealing research and intellectual property from American universities;
  • Enables the Chinese Communist Party to exploit U.S. immigration law;
  • Spends tens of billions of dollars on new climate programs, including subsidies for unproven green energy sources, and a climate slush fund at the United Nations; and
  • Omits funding for core national security tools necessary to counter Chinese military aggression.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“Democrats’ bill is a massive increase in deficit spending that sends America further into debt. It completely fails to address growing economic and military threats from China and, instead, buries American industry under bureaucratic red tape. I support America First measures that actually make our nation more competitive. We need to bring critical supply chains back to the U.S., promote American energy dominance, protect American intellectual property and research from foreign adversaries, and strengthen trade and defense relationships with our allies. These are the policies we should pursue to counter Chinese aggression. I will not bow to Chinese communists. I work for We, the People.”

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