WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) issued the following statement after voting to pass the United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA), a trade deal that’s projected to generate more than $68 billion in new economic activity and 176,000 additional jobs.

“USMCA was an easy win for America, and yet it was delayed by Speaker Pelosi for more than a year. Democrats waited until USMCA could be used in a political manner to offset their one-sided, weaponized impeachment. Had we passed the USMCA months ago, we could have been looking at thousands of new jobs and billions in economic prosperity for the third and fourth quarter of 2019. Instead, that was denied to the American people. While I’m glad USMCA has finally passed the House, I’m disappointed it’s under these circumstances.”

Watch Congressman Higgins discuss the benefits of USMCA here.

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