WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) sent the following letter to President Donald J. Trump asking him to consider the potential impact of Chinese tariffs on U.S. agricultural products.

April 12, 2018

The Honorable Donald J. Trump
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

As you know, China’s consistent and overtly aggressive policies towards the United States, coupled with our significant trade imbalance, poses a growing threat to our nation. It is past time we reassert American supremacy and economic vitality abroad. That is why I greatly respect your efforts to impose tariffs on imported goods from foreign countries that disadvantage American businesses. This is an important step towards realigning the global trade imbalance and supporting free- and fair-trade policies internationally.

We have made significant strides in the agricultural sector under your leadership, including the strengthening of US sugar trade policies with Mexico and the opening of markets for US rice in China and Iraq. Louisiana’s agricultural sector is valued at nearly $12 billion, primarily due to farm products including sugarcane, rice, soybeans, cotton, and grains. Farmers and producers in southwest Louisiana rely on international trade and ship their products around the world, and these steps forward improve their ability to compete abroad. We must work to grow family farms and businesses in the United States, and I fully support your continued negotiations with foreign countries to ensure the opening of international markets for quality American products.

However, many of my constituents have reached out expressing concerns regarding China’s retaliatory tariffs on US agricultural products. With net farm income down by half over the last four years and the current Farm Bill expiring in September 2018, American farmers are particularly vulnerable. Louisiana grows nearly 1.3 million acres of soybeans and 400,000 acres of rice annually, and the tariffs proposed by China this April could have devastating consequences on US soybean and even rice exports. As you work to rebalance the global trade regime, I respectfully request that you ensure the American agricultural sector is not unfairly targeted by foreign actors imposing retaliatory tariffs.

Thank you again for your ongoing support for American farmers and efforts to grow international trade opportunities for U.S. goods and services. I appreciate your attention to this important matter.



Clay Higgins

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