WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Clay Higgins has joined the Cuba Working Group. The group seeks to advance policy proposals to promote the rapidly changing status in the U.S.-Cuba relationship. As the relationship between the two nations are reshaped, the bi-partisan group seeks to advance United States economic interests on the island.

“Growing the economy is a top priority of the 115th Congress” said Rep. Clay Higgins. “Americans have suffered through a stagnant economy for almost a decade. Jobs have been scarce, particularly in southern Louisiana. I think it’s time to start trading with Cuba, to bolster the economy in the third congressional district,” said Higgins.

Congressman Higgins has also signed on as a co-sponsor of the Cuba Agriculture Exports Act of 2017, which seeks to remove financial restraints from American exporters to Cuba.

“I’m eager to review all future legislation that may move forward the evolving relationship between America and Cuba, particularly in the area of agricultural trade,” said Higgins. “Agriculture is a vital industry in the third congressional district. If there are opportunities for our farmers to trade with Cuba, then that’s something we’re definitely going to want to look at.”

A recent Pew public opinion poll showed increased, widespread support by Americans to end the Cuban trade embargo.


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