WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA), on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Laura’s landfall, again called on President Biden to support Louisiana’s request for supplemental disaster relief.
“Today, August 27, 2021, marks the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Laura’s landfall in Southwest Louisiana. Hurricane Laura caused widespread devastation throughout Louisiana and was soon followed by three additional federally declared natural disasters,” wrote Congressman Higgins. “As we reach this somber milestone, repeated calls from Louisiana’s Governor, congressional delegation, and local elected officials for supplemental disaster relief have gone unanswered by your administration.”
“Once again, I ask you to issue a formal request to Congress for supplemental disaster relief and use your executive authority to streamline access to existing resources,” continued Congressman Higgins.
“My office has stressed the importance of this matter repeatedly, in direct communications with your office and publicly on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives,” wrote Congressman Higgins. “In the last year, we have seen Democratic leadership put forth trillions of dollars in new spending on every imaginable federal program. However, we have seen no effort from Democratic leadership to move forward on much-needed supplemental disaster funding. This discrepancy is baffling.”
The full letter is available below or as a pdf here.