Mar 18, 2019 | In the News

Congressman Clay Higgins says he does not believe Congress has enough to votes to override President Donald Trump’s first presidential veto.

The House and Senate voted to overturn the president’s emergency declaration on the southern border.

A two-thirds majority in both chambers is needed to override the president’s veto.

Congressman Higgins says the president is allowed to use money that’s already been appropriated by Congress for the military.

He says money is needed for enhanced technology, physical barriers, and processing capabilities, additional agents and vehicles.

Over 76,000 undocumented immigrants were stopped at the U-S Mexico border in February.

Higgins says Congress doesn’t have the numbers to stop the president.

“I’m solid that the president has constitutional authority and further, he has the obligation as our sworn commander in chief to secure our sovereignty as a nation and this is what’s been threatened in the south.”

Congress is not in session this week.

Congressman Higgins expects both chambers to vote on the presidential veto next week.


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