Dec 20, 2023 | Uncategorized

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) announced today that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is awarding $1,709,291 to Lafayette Regional Airport for future development.


The funding includes:

  • $965,858 to update the airport master plan narrative report and layout plan to address key issues, objectives, and goals.
  • $743,433 to conduct an airport energy efficiency assessment.


This funding is provided through the Airport Infrastructure Grant (AIG) program and is authorized through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.


“While I opposed the Infrastructure Bill in its entirety as a matter of principle, some of the proposals within the bill were programs we support. Ultimately, the bill became law, and the funding has been allocated,” said Congressman Higgins. “My office will continue to advocate for the advancement of Louisiana projects to ensure that South Louisiana receives the tools needed for economic development so that we may better serve our communities and this great nation.”

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