WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) delivered an official letter to President Biden urging him to retract his proposed policies through the Department of Interior’s five-year plan for federal offshore oil and gas leasing.

“The plan announced today contains significant measures that restrict our ability to provide clean, affordable, reliable energy to the American people,”wrote Congressman Higgins. “It represents the further weaponization of the federal government against the oil and gas industry and sets the stage for escalating energy costs that will burden American families and workers.”….“This jeopardizes our national security and energy independence. Our current trajectory is unsustainable.”

The letter continues to discuss the impacts the new leasing plan has on Louisiana. “In Louisiana, the offshore oil and gas industry is vital and supports economic prosperity for the entire country. Your proposed policies directly threaten American interests. I advise you to immediately retract your anti-American energy leasing plan.”

Read the full letter here.

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