Sep 28, 2023 | Agriculture, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA), a staunch advocate for Louisiana’s agricultural community, and Congressman Rick Crawford (R-AR) introduced the Prioritizing Offensive Agriculture Disputes and Enforcement Act. The bill identifies trade barriers to the United States agriculture exports and develops strategies to enforce violations of trade agreements.

The initiative enhances Congressman Higgins’ ongoing efforts to support Louisiana’s unique agricultural needs in the Farm Bill.

This legislation has support from USA Rice and bicameral backing, including a Senate Companion Bill led by Sen Cassidy (R-LA). The Prioritizing Offensive Agriculture Disputes and Enforcement Act is a vital piece of legislation that will fortify the U.S. agriculture industry and promote fair trade practices.

 “This legislation aligns with our commitment to provide critically needed financial, trade, and workforce development to our farmers, fishermen, and producers,” said Congressman Higgins. “It is imperative that we ensure an even playing field for American exports and strengthen fair trading relationships with foreign countries.”

“This bill helps get us to a point where our government is going to coordinate and strategize to get more wins for agriculture on the board, and there’s no better place to start than with India. This bill is a win for all of U.S. agriculture because what our trading partners and our export competition are doing has an effect on us, so we need to use all of our tools available to resolve the tipping of the scales we’re seeing,”said Rep. Crawford.

“We appreciate Senator Cassidy, Congressman Higgins and their colleagues for leading in Congress on this critical issue for the U.S. rice industry,” said Bobby Hanks, CEO of Supreme Rice in Crowley, Louisiana, and chair of the USA Rice International Trade Policy Committee.  “A WTO case against India’s rice subsidies is long overdue and long-term policy changes in India would help to make rice farmers from the U.S. and other origins that play by the rules, more competitive on the world market.”

Read the legislation here.

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