Jul 14, 2023 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) joined his House Freedom Caucus colleagues in support of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

The House Freedom Caucus has worked diligently to ensure that the House passes the best and most conservative bills it can in a commitment to reign in the Biden administration and save the country. These include amendments that protect the sanctity of life and fight the social engineering being pushed onto our servicemembers.

HFC Presser

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Congressman Higgins’ remarks are below:

“Morning, ladies and gentlemen. The Biden administration came into office clearly agenda driven, and that agenda has permeated through every weave of fabric of our country. So the military is a unique machine it should be.

I’m an Army Veteran, the military has to exist through good president, bad presidents, effective executive execution of America’s policies, agenda to the left agenda to the right, the military has to continue. And the NDAA is the congressional fingerprints that our armed services have to work within.

So as the Republicans came into majority this year, we knew over the course of the last year, the Freedom Caucus has been encouraging our Republican colleagues that would return for the 118th Congress, to embrace the conservative ideological perspective of the constitutionalist, men and women standing before you. We’ve gradually shifted the center of gravity of the Republican Conference towards the right. So as we became the majority party, it is our duty to adjust the impact of the Biden agenda, in every way that we can, we’re trying to save our Republic here.

And the NDAA, I must say that our Republican colleagues across the Conference, have been very receptive to the clear understanding that we had a lot of damage done in the military over the last four years that needed to be addressed. So this is what you’re witnessing, you’re witnessing a proper and effective correction of the injury that has been brought upon our military.

And when we pass the NDAA, and we will, we’re gonna move on to the next reauthorization and move into 12 appropriations bills where we’ve also been working for a year. We are establishing conservative policies into the government of the people that we serve. In doing so, we’re pushing back against the very liberal agenda that the Biden administration and four years of Democrat majority in the House has forced upon America.

We’re not the ones that are changing though. Our ideological principles are solid, unwavering. We’re conservative, we’re constitutionalist. We believe in individual rights and freedom. We want an effective, lethal, deployable, fast, rapid, undefeatable military.

So we are delivering to the American people, government that reflects the principles of the American people. It’s been a big win this week. A lot of work, and we’re not done yet.”

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