Jul 6, 2023 | Immigration, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) has been appointed by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to serve on a newly created Task Force to Combat Mexican Drug Cartels.

This Task Force will examine cartel operations in human smuggling and drug trafficking, investigate how the Biden administration’s open border policies have enriched the cartels, educate the American people on the impacts of cartel violence, and provide legislative recommendations to the Committees of Jurisdiction.

“Since the day that Biden was inaugurated, America has been suffering from wave upon human wave of misery flooding across our border with Mexico. We’re losing our country down there,” said Congressman Higgins“The criminal cartels control 100% of the Mexican side of our southern border, and they’re smuggling humans and illicit drugs into the United States at unprecedented levels. This task force will produce a detailed report for the historical record, revealing Biden/Mayorkas failures and illuminating the path forward to restore law and order.”

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