Feb 21, 2023 | Infrastructure, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) sent a letter to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation Pete Buttigieg in support of the I-49 Lafayette Connector Project against claims of racism.

“The I-49 Connector would consist of an elevated multi-lane highway that follows along a similar path to the current Southwest Evangeline Thruway. Along each side of the future I-49 will be a frontage road system allowing local access and ensuring continued connectivity for the surrounding communities. This construction project follows the footprint of long-existing infrastructure. Accusations that the project is “racist” are not grounded in reality,” writes Congressman Higgins.

The letter continues to emphasize how critical this structure is for South Louisiana, “This highway serves as a hurricane evacuation route, a major trade corridor, and a highly traveled thoroughfare for local residents.” And “Moving or stalling this development jeopardizes economic development efforts and much needed infrastructure improvements.”

Read the letter here.

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