Dec 1, 2022 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) today announced the inclusion of his amendment, which prioritizes reforms to the budget process, in the House Republican Conference rules package for the 118th Congress.

Congressman Higgins’ amendment reads, “the Republican Leadership should, to the extent practicable, prioritize the consideration of individual appropriations bills reported by the Committee on Appropriations.”

“There are 12 Appropriations Subcommittees, which produce 12 bills. We should therefore have 12 votes,” said Congressman Higgins. “Bundling incredibly disparate bills together in the form of minibus and omnibus spending packages forces representatives to violate core principles and ideological beliefs. This is reflective of a broken and unrighteous budget process.”

Since his initial election, Congressman Higgins has advocated for budget reforms, including the independent consideration of all 12 appropriations bills.

“We have heavily debated in favor of 12 appropriations votes for many years, and I am glad to see our proposed language pass the House Republican Conference and be embraced by Republican Leadership,” said Congressman Higgins. “This is a promising sign that our new majority is moving in a more Conservative direction. These reforms are born out of the House Freedom Caucus’ mission to restore Constitutional parameters and return power to individual members of Congress.”



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