WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) announced today that FEMA will award the City of Youngsville $5,230,350 for the Bailey Grove Detention Pond project.
The hazard mitigation grant will fund the design and construction of five detention ponds on two project sites that will reduce the watershed elevation for Bayou Parc Perdu. The project will help protect over 300 residential properties, a church, a school, and a fire station.
FEMA has previously obligated $1,436,316 to the project, and the federal cost-share has been increased from 75% to 100%. This brings total funding for the Bailey Grove Detention Pond project to over $6.6 million.
Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“This flood control investment is great news for Youngsville and Lafayette Parish. Mayor Ritter is doing heroic work on these flood mitigation projects, which will help protect homes and businesses in South Louisiana. My office will continue working with the City of Youngsville to help overcome bureaucratic obstacles at the federal and state levels. My office supports mitigation investments like this, and we’ll continue to advocate for South Louisiana’s water management needs.”


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