WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) has reintroduced H.R. 8732, the Imported Seafood Safety Standards Act of 2022, which protects American consumers and small businesses from foreign seafood dumping.

The bill prohibits the import of foreign seafood that fails to meet U.S. standards for seafood manufacturing, processing, and holding. It also establishes a program for foreign seafood inspection and imposes real penalties for importers and countries that routinely violate U.S. laws.

Historically, only a small percentage of seafood imports have been inspected as they enter the United States, and foreign bad actors often use illegal additives while relying on enslaved workers to harvest seafood. These bad actors are notorious for falsely labeling imports to avoid detection by the FDA. This irresponsible and illegal dumping of seafood imports hurts American consumers and the Gulf seafood industry.

The full bill text is available here.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“Congress must act against illegal seafood dumping. Foreign seafood imports should be held to American standards. The seafood industry is a critical part of Louisiana’s culture and economy. This legislation combats illegal foreign seafood dumping and protects American producers.”


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