Jul 15, 2022 | Press Releases, Pro-Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) issued the following statement after voting against H.R. 8296 and H.R. 8297, two extreme bills that would expand abortion access and override the ability of each state to enact its own pro-life protections.
H.R. 8296 would allow for abortions of unborn children for any reason up until birth in all 50 states. H.R. 8297 would allow minors to be brought out of state for an abortion, undermine requirements for medical supervision, and expand direct access to chemical abortions in all 50 states.

“These Democrat abortion bills are amongst the most extreme death policies in the world. This goes far beyond Roe. Democrats want abortion on demand up until the moment of birth, and they’re trying to eliminate any state from enacting pro-life measures. It’s absolutely sickening. I will not stop fighting to protect the unborn and defend the right to life.”


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