Jun 1, 2022 | Law & Crime, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA), a former law enforcement officer and SWAT Operator, is introducing the Protect Traditional American Law Enforcement Act, which would immediately defund President Biden’s expansive, liberal-agenda executive order on policing.

Higgins’ legislation would prohibit the use of any federal funds to carry out President Biden’s executive order targeting law enforcement. This includes establishing a national database for accusations of misconduct, banning life-saving carotid restraints, unnecessarily restricting the use of no-knock warrants, ending common-sense equipment transfers between the Department of Defense and law enforcement agencies, and leveraging all state and local law enforcement agencies to comply with new, preposterous federal training certification standards and administrative policies.

In December 2021, Higgins received a leaked draft of the Biden Executive Orders. In January, Congressman Higgins issued a summary assessment blasting the planned federalization of American law enforcement. Congressman Higgins’ summary assessment is available here.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“President Biden’s executive order is dangerously misguided. The Left’s anti-police agenda is driving good cops out of their careers and leading to increased crime rates across the country. The Biden administration is completely out of touch with law enforcement realities at the street level. Our legislation defunds the Biden administration’s attempt to federalize all state and local police departments. We intend to ensure that law enforcement professionals can continue to serve our communities without being leveraged into adopting left-wing policies and procedures. This stand against the radical anti-police agenda has received a strong show of support from my colleagues in the House Freedom Caucus who are cosponsoring this bill.”

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