Mar 28, 2022 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) today led 127 House Republicans in introducing a resolution to honor the life and legacy of the late Congressman Don Young (R-AK), the Dean of the House.

The resolution notes Congressman Young’s many achievements during his 49 years of service and directs the Sergeant at Arms, Chairman of the Republican Conference, and the Architect of the Capitol to preserve a “Don Young Reserved Seat” on the House floor as a permanent tribute.

Read the resolution here.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“Don Young was a dear friend. I am honored to have served alongside him these past 5 years. His service to Alaska and the American people is immeasurable and unmatched. Further, Don’s seat within the House chamber was the site of countless conversations and legislative debates. It was a source of great camaraderie and esprit de corps amongst members. There is no more fitting tribute than to preserve Don’s seat in the People’s House.”

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