Sep 30, 2021 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) voted today in support of a clean short-term funding bill that delivers supplemental disaster relief to South Louisiana and keeps the government open. The bill does not increase the debt limit and will provide $28.6 billion to address natural disasters, including Hurricanes Laura, Delta, and Ida.

Congressman Higgins has repeatedly advocated for additional disaster relief funding since Hurricane Laura devastated Southwest Louisiana last year. A timeline of those efforts is available here.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“Additional relief and long-term recovery grants will soon be on the way for Louisiana. We have battled over the last year to advance supplemental disaster funding, and the passage of a clean bill today delivers on those efforts. Our recovery mission is not finished. We will continue to support Louisiana’s recovery in every possible way. The extreme poison pill of raising the debt ceiling was removed after the vote last week, thus allowing me to righteously vote yes. I will not compromise on my deepest core principles, but obviously, we have battled for a year to get supplemental disaster relief for Louisiana. Further, I am not satisfied with this supplemental disaster bill. It falls far short of the request from our Governor and the needs of our citizens in many ways. We will continue to seek further enhancements to disaster recovery that will help Louisiana stand back up.”

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