Aug 20, 2021 | Press Releases

LAFAYETTE, LA – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA), in a recent interview with Newsmax TV, called on President Biden and Vice President Harris to resign over their botched handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. Congressman Higgins also called their actions impeachable.

Key exchanges include:

Congressman Higgins: “These are very challenging conditions for America, no doubt. In a matter of just the course of a couple of weeks, our executive leadership out of the Biden White House has brought American foreign policy to the precipice of permanent ruin regarding our reputation and our recognition as a world leader across the globe. It’s beyond weak. It was treasonous leadership, abhorrent, impeachable. President Biden should resign over what’s happening in Afghanistan right now.”

Carl Higbie: “Yeah, it is crazy. Look you saw Kamala Harris bragged about being the last person (in the room). I would not have said that publicly. I mean…”

Congressman Higgins: “She should resign too then. If she was part of this travesty of leadership… this absolute horrible failure of American executive leadership that has done arguably a generation of damage to America’s reputation worldwide in a matter of a week or so. If Vice President Harris was a part of that decision, she should resign too. They’re both impeachable if they participated together in this decision.”

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