Apr 28, 2021 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) issued the following statement ahead of President Biden’s address to Congress. Due to restrictions on how many members of Congress are allowed to participate, Congressman Higgins will not be in attendance.

“President Biden’s first 100 days have been a disaster. He broke his promise of unity, created a state of lawlessness and chaos at our southern border, destroyed American energy jobs, restricted Second Amendment freedoms, eliminated pro-life protections, and rammed through unprecedented levels of liberal deficit spending. Joe Biden has governed as a far-left socialist. His policies are injurious to America.

“My office will continue to stand against these disastrous and dangerous policies. We will not stop fighting for Constitutionalist and Conservative principles… legally, peacefully, and within the parameters of our Constitution.”

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