Apr 20, 2021 | Infrastructure, Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) issued the following statement after Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development (LADOTD) Secretary Shawn Wilson announced today that the State is investing $29.4 million toward the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge project and $50 million toward the I-49 Connector project. The funding comes as part of $216 million in COVID economic relief provided through the Federal Highway Administration.

“The State’s investment of an additional $30 million toward replacing the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge and $50 million toward construction of the I-49 Connector is welcome news. Both projects are critical infrastructure priorities for South Louisiana. My office and the Louisiana delegation are pushing the State’s application for resources at the federal level for the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge replacement, and we stand ready to assist the State as planning and permitting move forward for the I-49 Connector project. I am encouraged by recent progress on both of these projects and hopeful the State will continue to move forward expeditiously.”

Last week, Congressman Higgins led a Louisiana congressional delegation letter to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg urging him to approve the State’s application for an Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant to replace the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge. That letter is available here.

Congressman Higgins also delivered an official letter last month, urging Governor Edwards to use federal COVID relief dollars to help address Louisiana’s infrastructure backlog. Suggested projects included the I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge in Lake Charles, I-49 Connector in Lafayette, and I-10 Mississippi River Bridge in Baton Rouge. That letter is available here.

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