Mar 14, 2021 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) sent a letter to House and Senate Leadership calling for meaningful fiscal reforms before ANY consideration of a potential return of earmarks.

The letter reads, in part, “After a year of incredibly irresponsible deficit spending by Congress, our nation has reached a crossroads. We can either begin the process of addressing the unprecedented dangers of out-of-control spending from Washington, or continue to ignore this crucial issue. We must recognize that any discussion of restoring earmarks as a funding mechanism to ease the approval of selected projects is intellectually unsound while we continue to allow a broken appropriations system to endlessly burden American generations yet unborn with tens of trillions of dollars of debt.”

Suggested reforms include:

  • Passing through Congress a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, sending to every sovereign state for ratification. We, the People, should be personally involved in the restoration of fiscal responsibility in DC. There’s no such thing as “federal money.” It’s the People’s treasure.
  • Ending the use of “omnibus” and “minibus” spending packages to bundle incredibly disparate spending bills.

Read the full letter below or as a pdf here.

Letter to Congressional Leadership 3 11 21

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