Mar 1, 2021 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) sent a letter today to Governor John Bel Edwards commending him for pushing back against the Biden administration’s job-killing energy policies and calling on the Governor to implement additional state-level reforms to support oil and gas jobs.

The letter reads, in part, “I commend you for respectfully standing against the Biden administration’s day-one decision to enact broadscale, anti-job, anti-industry executive orders during a time when our nation is faced with hardship and uncertainty. In my considered opinion, more can be done, including at the state level. While Louisiana’s Congressional delegation is committed to working with you to counter President Biden’s policies that unnecessarily restrict industry, we need to ensure that Louisiana is in the best possible position to benefit from pro-oil and gas policies at the federal level. That means state laws… which, arguably, for decades have pushed industry and jobs out of Louisiana… should be changed.”

In the letter, Congressman Higgins calls on Governor Edwards to help end legacy lawsuits, enact tort reform, and lower Louisiana’s severance tax rate to create a more competitive business climate.

Read the full letter below or view as a pdf here.

Higgins letter to Governor Edwards 3 1 21

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