Dec 15, 2020 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) sent a letter today to House and Senate leadership urging them to ensure any forthcoming COVID-19 relief package will NOT be used to bail out state and local governments who have mismanaged their finances for decades.

The letter reads, in part, “Prior to the onset of COVID-19, many states and municipalities were already experiencing budget shortfalls due to decades of their own negligence and liberal policies. Now, under the guise of COVID-19 financial relief, those same liberal government entities are anticipating tremendous sums of money, untold billions of dollars, from the Federal government. All Americans want to help our small towns, cities, counties, and parishes. We want to help them recover from COVID-19 economic impact. However, Americans do NOT want COVID-19 relief monies used to float the debt and deficit spending of fiscally irresponsible cities across America.”

It continues, “We must recognize that we are in a unique position to place reasonable, common-sense parameters in the language of any pending COVID-19 relief bill, to constrain which municipalities and states are able to benefit from this taxpayer-funded program. Prioritizing funding to those government entities within our sovereign states who were fiscally responsible prior to the onset of COVID-19 should be our mission.”

Read the full letter below or as a pdf here.

Letter from Congressman Higgins

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