Sep 24, 2019 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) issued the following statement after Speaker Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump this afternoon.

“Democrats and their socialist elitist allies in the mainstream media are barreling toward impeachment with no facts and zero evidence to support Constitutionally impeachable behavior. Their probable cause is solely a burning hatred for President Trump. They lost badly on the fake Russia conspiracy, but here we are again with yet another witch hunt. The Ukraine conspiracy. They won’t even wait 24 hours for the transcript of the dastardly telephone call to be released. Just like the $30 million, 22-month-long Mueller probe, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats are wasting the American peoples’ time and money. If their outrage was genuine, Democrats would be pressing for a full investigation into Joe Biden, who publicly bragged about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired to protect his son, and to determine exactly what PC was presented by the Obama administration which led the failed attempt to push the 2016 Presidential election to Hillary Clinton.”

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