WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) voted against Democrats’ bill to provide millions of illegal immigrants with amnesty. The bill restricts law enforcement’s vetting authority and does nothing to address the national security and humanitarian crisis on our southern border.

H.R. 6 would:

  • provide a green card and special path to citizenship to any alien who entered the U.S. before the age of 18 and has been present for at least four years.
  • grant green card status to any individual eligible to receive Temporary Protected Status (TPS), regardless of whether they received TPS, entered illegally, or are no longer in the country.
  • provide green cards to criminals and gang members.
  • prohibit law enforcement from using state or federal gang databases to exclude gang members from obtaining green cards.
  • prevent law enforcement from starting deportation proceedings on certain undocumented immigrants.
  • use $34.6 billion in taxpayer funds to aid aliens in obtaining green cards.

While House Democrats continue to posture with partisan messaging bills, Congressman Higgins and Homeland Security Ranking Member Mike Rogers (R-AL) offered legislation that would fund immediate humanitarian aid and border operations. House Democrats voted 228-192 to block consideration of H.R. 3056, the Border Crisis Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2019.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“Democrats are again placing the interests of illegal immigrants above those of American citizens. Instead of acting to secure our border and address the current crisis, Democrats have chosen to prioritize open borders and amnesty for all. They are actively working to restrict law enforcement and admit as many non-citizens as possible into the United States, including violent criminals.”

“Congress should take immediate action to address the border crisis and provide border agents with the necessary resources to carry out their mission. Dangerous, partisan bills like H.R. 6 are a waste of time and an insult to the men and women on the frontlines of the border crisis.”

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