Feb 27, 2019 | In the News

A former longtime Louisiana lawman who is now a Republican congressman told former Trump attorney Michael Cohen that he “reminds” him of some of the “several thousand men” he’s arrested.

“Mr. Cohen, it’s in my heart to tell you sir that I’m sorry for what your family is going through. The Word tells us clearly that a man’s mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul,” Rep. Clay Higgins, a Republican from St. Landry Parish, said during Cohen’s Capitol Hill testimony.

“I’ve arrested several thousand men, and you remind me of many of them,” Higgins, a former officer in the Opelousas area. “[Like] the ones who immediately become humble and remorseful at the time that they’re actually booked and while incarcerated are quite penitent.”

Higgins said that he foresees Cohen following the path of many of those former inmates.

“They then return to their former selves when they’re back on the street,” said Higgins.

Later in Higgins’ questioning, Cohen said that he has not discussed book or film “deals” with his attorney, longtime Clinton confidant Lanny J. Davis.

Higgins also blasted the committee’s Democratic majority, led by Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, as shepherding an “attempt to injure our president.”

Higgins said Cummings and others are using the hearing to lay a “soft cornerstone” for potential impeachment proceedings against Trump.

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