Jan 9, 2019 | Press Releases

Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) announced today that he is cosponsoring two bills that would allow some federal employees and all military personnel to receive compensation during the partial government shutdown. The Armed Services Always Paid (ASAP) Act ensures that Coast Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and reserve components will receive their full pay during any lapse in appropriations. The No Work Without Pay Act extends the same guarantee to federal employees who are working during the shutdown.

Additionally, Congressman Higgins submitted formal instruction to the House Chief Administration Officer to withhold his own earnings until a funding agreement has been reached.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

“All Americans should receive fair compensation for the work they perform. That is certainly true for our military personnel and all federal employees. Shutdown or no shutdown, these men and women are expected to show up to work. They should be paid for that work.

“We are determined to end this partial government shutdown, provide adequate funding for enhanced border security, and return regular pay for all federal employees. Our nation was born of passionate, sometimes contentious debate, followed by reasonable compromise. However, statesmanlike compromise requires good faith negotiations between both parties. Thus far, Democrats have refused to participate.

“Madame Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer have remained intractable, posturing with visible arrogance to appease their socialist base… despite the clearly outlined needs to secure our southern border and Republicans’ willingness to reach some common-sense agreement. The Democratic leadership has again demonstrated that they support the profits of Mexican criminal cartels over the best interests and security of the American citizenry.”

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