Jul 18, 2018 | In the News

The House passed a resolution Wednesday expressing support for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, as a growing number of liberals in the Democratic Party has called to abolish the agency that enforces federal immigration laws.

The non-binding resolution, sponsored by Louisiana GOP Rep. Clay Higgins, passed 244 to 35 with 133 voting present — and Republicans may “weaponize” the vote against Democrats. The measure extols ICE for countering the narcotics trade and applauds its efforts in rescuing people caught in human-trafficking schemes.

“I am grateful to the members of Congress who today publicly declared their support for the brave, dedicated men and women of ICE,” Acting ICE Director Ron Vitiello said in a statement after the vote. “We will continue to fulfill our sworn oaths to enforce federal immigration and customs laws.”

Senate Republicans tried to follow in the House’s footsteps and approve via unanimous consent a resolution supporting ICE. But it was blocked by Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris on the floor.

Republicans likely will deploy the House roll call vote against Democrats who didn’t vote the measure in the midterms this November, analysts have said. Democrats, ahead of the vote, dismissed it as a partisan maneuver.

Read more here.

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