The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) recently endorsed Congressman Higgins’ bill H.R. 5260, which expedites the demonstration of at least four advanced nuclear reactors by 2028.

The BPC advocates for bipartisan solutions to the nation’s key challenges. BPC President Jason Grumet, and Co-Chair of BPC’s American Energy Innovation Council Norm Augustine and former Senator Byron Dorgan offered their support in a letter to Congressman Higgins:

“We are writing in support of H.R. 5260, the Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies Act, which establishes clear objectives for the Department of Energy (DOE) to engage the private sector in demonstrating advanced nuclear energy technologies in the United States. We appreciate your leadership on this issue and believe this bill is an important step toward a better American energy future.

We have long believed that focused federal efforts in energy research have extraordinary potential to spark our economy and protect America’s broader security interests. The research conducted at DOE has strong track record as a fundamental driver of our nation’s energy and economic security over the years. Our national labs, which conduct much of this research, provide the long-term foundation for America’s ability to compete in a global economy increasingly driven by science and technology. Breakthroughs in energy technology at DOE have created jobs and enhanced the competitiveness of critical American industries like manufacturing, while making our energy systems more affordable, reliable and clean.

As thousands of employees across the national labs work to advance new energy technologies, we believe they would benefit from the clear direction that this bill provides. Ambitious goals will help to harmonize research efforts across DOE, and the development of advanced nuclear energy technologies would have extraordinary impacts on our national energy system and broader geopolitical interests.

Breakthroughs in advanced nuclear energy technologies are critical to maintaining American leadership in nuclear technologies. Building on the strong historical relationship between the government and civilian nuclear enterprise, this legislation provides a blueprint for growing a nascent advanced nuclear energy industry in the United States that finds itself in fierce competition with state-sponsored rivals abroad – including in Russia and China.

Federal support for energy technology demonstration projects is critical to realizing the enhanced economic and security benefits these technologies provide, as such projects generally carry too much financial and technical risk for the private sector to undertake on its own.”

Read the letter here.

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