Aug 7, 2017 | Press Releases

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Clay Higgins’ (R-LA) office is excited to announce that Louisiana’s third congressional district will be participating in the 2017 Congressional App Challenge (CAC), an app development competition for students in high school and below.

“South Louisiana is home to a growing hub of technology innovation,” said Rep. Higgins. “This competition encourages students to practice and develop their programming and coding skills at an early age. This particular skillset is in high demand from tech companies, and we’re excited about raising awareness and showcasing local students’ talent through this competition.”

The Challenge will run through November 1, 2017, and students can apply on Congressman Higgins’ website. The competition is open to all students who meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of coding experience.

A panel of expert judges, including tech entrepreneurs and computer science professionals, will decide the winner from Louisiana’s third congressional district. Winning apps will be showcased on the Congressional App Challenge’s website and in the U.S. Capitol.

Officially launched by the U.S. House of Representatives in 2015, this nationwide effort allows students to compete against their peers by creating an application or “app” for mobile, tablet, or computer devices. The Challenge is designed to promote innovation and engagement in coding and computer science.

For further information about the Congressional App Challenge, please visit

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