Jun 22, 2017 | Press Releases

Congressman Clay Higgins’, R-LA, bill to improve employee integrity at the Department of Homeland Security, H.R. 2131 the “DHS Fixing Internal Response to Misconduct (FIRM) Act,” unanimously passed the House on Wednesday.

Since its inception, DHS has faced significant obstacles consolidating 22 preexisting component agencies, including instilling common, across-the-board policies.

Congressman Higgins’ bill directs the Chief Human Capital Officer at the Department of Homeland Security to develop a department-wide employee misconduct policy within 90 days of enactment.

“The alphabet agencies of the federal government are riddled with waste and abuse that devour the people’s treasure with almost no measure for accountability,” said Rep. Higgins. “My bill introduces procedural changes at the Department of Homeland Security to promote a culture of responsibility that holds federal employees accountable for misconduct on the taxpayer’s dime.”

The bill strengthens and supports recent improvements by granting greater oversight function to the Chief Human Capital Officer, allowing DHS to identify and address causes of persistent employee misconduct more effectively.

“It is imperative that the Department of Homeland Security be able to carry out its national security mission in an efficient and effective manner. We’re increasing accountability and making DHS more responsive to the American people. The federal government should be small, efficient, and effective,” said Rep. Higgins.

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