WASHINGTON DC – Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) has been appointed to serve on a bi-partisan, eight member Homeland Security Committee Task Force focused on denying terrorists entry into the United States. With the terrorist threat on the rise and immigration a key concern for the 115th Congress, this Task Force will play an important role in closing gaps in our counterterrorism screening and vetting procedures.

“It’s an honor to be chosen by Chairman McCaul, as well as my esteemed colleagues on the House Committee on Homeland Security, to serve on this vital task force,” said Rep. Clay Higgins. “The threats to America are menacing and real. My real world Law Enforcement experience will enable me to bring a boots-on-the-ground perspective, as we search together for solutions to eliminate terrorist entry into the United States and keep America safe,” said Higgins.

The Task Force will examine all pathways by which extremists might infiltrate the homeland and will seek to resolve potential weaknesses in these systems. The panel will begin work in March and will provide a final report with its findings later this year.


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